Hello, I am Madiha from Gary Booth chartered professional accountants. I will be talking to you about back taxes.
Do you have unfiled personal and/or business tax returns?Are you confused about what returns should be filed?Are you behind in filingyour HST returns?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, our team at Gary Booth chartered professional accountants can help you with your back tax filing or any other tax issues.We specialise in this area.
We can assist you in the following:
- Prepare all outstanding tax returns
- Stop bank account freezing
- Negotiate a Payment Planif required
- Help with your CRA Audit
The most common question asked is: How much do I owe?
We cannot answer that at this stage but we can say that the eventual taxes owing is not as much as people think. We spend a lot of time in ensuring that all allowable expensesare claimed and we minimise the taxes as muchas possible.
Let us help you. Call us at 416-626-2727 or email us at backtaxes@garybooth.comnow! Visit our website at team looks forward to hearing from you.